Convoy to Canberra

The people have gathered in Canberra to serve a warning to the Prime Minister that not only do we no longer desire his so-called “leadership,” we will coordinate a response across Australia to ensure the tyrants in power will be brought down.

Australians can no longer afford to be governed by psychopathic and treasonous leaders whose fealty lie elsewhere. It is time for the existing system to be brought to its knees, and for a system designed for the people by the people, to take its rightful place in the new society.

Make no mistake the gathering of people in Canberra over the last week has simply been a warning shot across the bow of all corrupt and treasonous politicians and political parties, of which there are many, in fact, the system itself.
The people will regroup and return in the future with hundreds of thousands sending the corrupt politicians into hiding and we will take this country back for the people.

Co-sign the letter that will be presented to the
Prime Minister

The Peoples Revolution Merchandise



Dear Prime Minister,


Your “leadership” or more accurately your “reign,” particularly for the past two years, has been characterised by rampant terror in the Australian people. You have used every tool at your disposal to ensure the people are fed a steady diet of fear buttressed by lies to keep the country scared and compliant. We would ask why your administration is using fear to intimidate and subjugate the Australian people. However, a cursory glance at the conflicts of interests permeating every aspect of your administration’s COVID-19 response, provides a clear enough glimpse into the answer. Your government’s choice of the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission’s (NCCC) board members, stands as a case in point. They all hold senior board positions in companies in mining, oil and gas, airlines, private hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, casinos, and superannuation. One member chairs an international organisation at the forefront of brokering private-public partnerships, garnering billions in taxpayer dollars to fund COVID-19 vaccine development. Nowhere are the interests of the average Australian and small to medium enterprises (SMEs) represented on this board.

It is little wonder then, that the following truths were kept from the Australian public.


  1. Healthy people are not at high risk of complications from SARS-COV-2 (Virus) if they do catch it.
  2. You can naturally boost your immune system to lessen symptoms if you do come into contact with the Virus (coincidentally the only thing that the so-called vaccines claim to do).
  3. Healthy people are not spreaders of disease.
  4. If you catch the virus there are safe and effective treatment protocols to aid in recovery (which have been used by doctors since March 2020) which do not involve vaccination.
  5. Natural infection gives longer-lasting and durable protection against reinfection.
  6. Evidently, such truths would have not only been reassuring to the people, but would have also posed a significant hurdle to your administration fulfilling the conditions of its vaccine contracts.


Naturally, as any corrupt government would, you chose to use your position as the “leader” of this country, to peddle fear, and foment hysteria in the public, to satisfy the global interests to which you owe your true allegiance.

Why were statements made in early 2020 that mass vaccination would be the only way out of this pandemic? Concurrent with these claims was the silencing of doctors who were successfully treating high-risk COVID-19 patients, with safe and effective treatment protocols. One such doctor is Australian doctor, Professor Thomas Borody, who sought to inform the government of the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating COVID-19 patients, but was quickly silenced. This helped strip the people of hope and cemented in the minds of many the false and damaging notion that vaccines were the only way out.

Why were doctors who were successfully treating COVID-19 patients not gathered into a working group and given a seat at the table of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) to plan Australia’s response to COVID-19?

Instead, Australia’s response to the pandemic, if it can be called thus, was carefully crafted by the likes of Jane Halton, a National Covid-19 Coordination Commissioner who concurrently held the position of the chair of the Board for the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). It is enough to say that CEPI’s sole stated aim is to develop vaccines for epidemics.


Some may argue that it is melodramatic to say you and your administration have engaged in nothing less than a genocide. But with a reported adverse reaction rate of 44.7% (which is 6 times higher than the adverse reaction rate of the annual influenza vaccine), 755 deaths and 104,236 adverse events reported in Australia shortly after vaccination for COVID, at the very least, you and the nest of rats that makes up your administration have blood on your hands.

It is important to note that we as a society have not yet had the chance to fully appreciate the extent of the devastation caused by the COVID-19 response your government has presided over, particularly the long-term ramifications of the imposition of an experimental drug on an entire country of people.

You led the Australian people to believe they would only need 2 doses of the vaccine to return to life as normal, all the while securing supply of over 250 million doses of vaccines, enough to vaccinate Australians 10 times over. It is with minimal surprise we now watch your administration’s new push to mandate a third dose (booster) after Pfizer’s CEO admitted the “two doses of the vaccine offer very little protection, if any” against Omicron (the dominant variant in Australia).

You have ignored the failing efficacy of the COVID vaccines, despite clear data emerging from around the world showing negative efficacy:

  • Scotland – in a report (page 38) prepared by Public Health Scotland the double vaccinated were twice as likely to become infected with COVID and the triple vaccinated were also at an increased risk of infection (based on age-standardised case rate per 100,000).
  • Denmark – a study of vaccine effectiveness against SARS-COV-2 infection showed negative efficacy for both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines of -76% and -39% respectively at 90 to 150 days post vaccination.
  • Israel – the 4th booster dose has been found to be ineffective against Omicron and infection, hospitalisation and death rates are the highest they have ever been despite high vaccination take up.

To those of us paying attention, you have no plausible deniability, nor will members of your administration be able to assert innocence. We, the Australian people, hold all of you directly responsible for all and any harm suffered by all Australians not only in the past two years, but even decades from now as the full consequences of the COVID-19 policies (particularly the medical experimentation on people) become clearer and undeniable. Our accusatory fingers are also pointing to the mainstream media, and every institution that has participated in propagating the lies and fear on Australians, and in coercing them into being experiments.

We did not travel here from all around the country to debate you. We came here to inform you, that not only do we no longer desire your so-called “leadership,” we will coordinate a response across Australia to ensure the tyrants in power will be brought down.

Australians can no longer afford to be governed by psychopathic and treasonous leaders whose fealty lie elsewhere. It is time for your system to brought to its knees, and for a system designed for the people by the people, to take its rightful place in the new society.

Make no mistake, the gathering of people in Canberra over the last week has simply been a warning shot across your bow, and across the bow of all corrupt and treasonous politicians and political parties, of which there are many.

We will leave and when we return, we will bring hundreds of thousands sending you into hiding and we will take this country back for the people.


Co-signed by: